Whitefly Control

Whitefly Control
These white winged flying insects can become an overwhelming problem in greenhouses, gardens, grows, interior scapes, nurseries, orchards. They love hot and humid places and usually are present during late spring and summer months. Because they are flying insects they often appear to come out of nowhere, and with there huge appetite can quickly damage plants with their rapid feeding. Feeding is concentrated on the leaf undersides.
Think Preventative
Release predators such as Encarsia formosa, Delphastus or Eretmocerus are first sight of Whiteflies. When using insects it is always best to catch an infestation early. Use Yellow Sticky Monitoring traps to monitor and identify Aphid and Whitefly Infestations early before they get out of control. Encarsia formosa work very well for natural whitefly control while infestations are low. For moderate infestations it is best to release Encarsia formosa along with Delphastus pusillas for faster and more complete whitefly control. Remove plants that repeatedly attract whiteflies.
So what works best for Whitefly control?...
Encarsia Formosa: Greenhouse Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly,
Sweet Potato Whitefly and more. These flying insects work best for preventative to moderate infestations. Also cost the less out of the 3 predators we offer.
Delphastus Catalinae: Greenhouse Whitefly, Banded-Winged Whitefly, Sweet Potato Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly, Woolly Whitefly, Azalea and Hibiscus Whitefly.
Eretmocerus Eremicus: Greenhouse Whitefly,Sweet Potato Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly, Poinsettia Whitefly, Woolly Whitefly, and Citrus Whitefly.
Yellow Sticky Traps: Hang yellow sticky traps throughout your garden to help monitor pests infestations early. When using beneficial insects think preventative.