Orius insidiosus (Minute Pirate Bug) - Thrip Control


Thrips, Aphids, Mites, Whiteflies, Moth Eggs, & other soft-bodied insects.


Orius insidiosus, commonly known as the minute pirate bug, is a small predatory insect. It has a slender and elongated body, measuring around 2 to 5 millimeters in length. It has a shiny black or dark-colored exoskeleton and may exhibit some variations in coloration. The bug has four narrow wings, which are typically white or light-colored, giving it a distinct appearance. It has piercing-sucking mouth-parts that it uses to feed on its prey. Despite its small size, it is a voracious hunter capable of capturing relatively larger prey.

It is recommended to release Orius early in the growing season to establish a population before pest populations become too high. When pest levels are low, Orius will feed on pollen.  It can take 4-6 weeks to establish a colony, so multiple releases are recommended.

During the colder months, when temperatures drop, Orius bugs enter a state of diapause, which is a form of dormancy or hibernation. They seek shelter in protected areas such as leaf litter, plant debris, or cracks and crevices in structures.


LIGHT INFESTATION: 1-2 Orius bugs per 10 sq. ft.
HEAVY INFESTATION: 1-2 Orius bugs per sq. ft.
Multiple Releases Recommended

It's important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.


Maintaining your growing operation relies on well-fed beneficial insects as your natural defenders. By providing dependable food sources, you enhance their strength and effectiveness.

Our Good Bug Supplemental Diet combines Ephestia, Artemia, and Carpoglyphus lacti - all of which are highly nutritional food sources rich in proteins, lipids, and essential fatty acids.

Packaged on easy-to-use hanging tabs!


For best results, release immediately upon receipt. If storage is necessary, store at 40°-50°F for no longer than 14 days.


To achieve a comprehensive approach in controlling Thrips and other soft-bodied insects, it is recommended to combine the use of Orius insidiosus with other beneficial predators such as Beneficial Nematodes and Green Lacewing Larvae.


Approximately 2 week lifecycle. Egg to adult in 14 days. Females can lay up to 3 eggs per day.

It's important to note that these time-frames are approximate and can be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and the availability of prey. Monitoring the development and activity of beneficial insect populations, along with environmental conditions, can help determine the progress and effectiveness of their role in pest control efforts.