Protect your feathered and furry friends from fly borne diseases! These tiny USDA approved insects are the natural enemy of various types of flies. Our Fly Exterminators do not bite, sting, swarm, or bother humans or animals. Fly Exterminators are nocturnal and are rarely seen during the day.
Our Fly Exterminators are a predator to 95% of flies, including house flies, horse flies, filth flies, and various other fly species.
You may see large numbers of flies around your animals, but the fly breeding area is most likely to be close to manure areas or other moist, rotting organic matter. These are the areas to release your Fly Exterminators.
Top priority release sites include barns, stables, kennels, chicken coops, on feedlots, and wherever straw bedding is provided for animals.
Other potential fly breeding sites include compost piles, garbage cans, septic tanks, and near water sources (but not directly in water).
Release monthly during warm months. Heavy infestations may require additional releases.
Release once temperatures are consistently over 50°F. Fly Exterminators will begin hatching at 70°F. To release, pour Fly Exterminators into the Hatching Release Bag (included) near fly breeding areas. These beneficial insects will self-distribute up to 100 yards. Fly Exterminators should be released at first sight of flies.

Small Animals (chickens, ducks, rabbits):
100 Fly Exterminators per animal
Medium Animals (goats, sheep dogs, cats):
500 Fly Exterminators per animal
Large Animals (horses, cows, pigs):
1,000 Fly Exterminators per animal
Every order includes Hatching Release Bags to keep Fly Exterminators safely out of reach from birds and rodents.
Start your Fly Exterminator program early! We offer monthly subscriptions that save you time and money. Plan your shipments during warm season to get ahead of a pest fly infestation.
For best results, release immediately upon receipt. If storage is necessary, store for no longer than 48 hours. Fly Exterminators can take up to 7-14 days to hatch, depending on temperature.
For maximum fly and flea control, release Beneficial Nematodes with your Fly Exterminators! Click Here to learn more!